Friday, December 10, 2010

New flash: Dropping Medicaid would be bad Blog#5

So we all know that Texas is not in the best financial situation right now and one of the big “problems” that we might cut out would be Medicaid, which is not going to save us a lot or any money, but it is in fact going to cut back a lot of money the government gives us. Texas would “lose billions each year in federal funds; billions of dollars in indigent health care costs would shift from the state and federal levels to local governments, public hospital districts, medical providers, and the privately insured; and 2.6 million Texas residents could lose health insurance.”
Up to 2.6 million Texans would be uninsured because they are currently on Medicaid. Hospitals are not allowed to refuse anybody by the federal law because the person does not have insurance, the hospital would just cover the cost and “potentially add billions of dollars in annual uncompensated care costs funded at the local level.”
Even if Texas does go through with opting out of Medicaid we are still going to be required to pay our federal taxes for the other states who are still using Medicaid even though we would not use it anymore.
I do not think that the government should be allowed to do this because most of the people that are on Medicaid are children who are not able to go get a job and try to get health insurance, it is bad enough that their parents can’t afford it, but the kids should not be punished for what they cannot fix.

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