Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Proposal gives voters a say on gas-tax increase

Do you really want to pay more for gas? Senate Finance Committee Chairman Steve Ogden is giving you the opportunity to vote for the gas raise, if any? He's saying that he isn't proposing a "straight-ahead state gas-tax increase", but that he just wants to raise the gas tax a few cents a gallon to pay off debt for road bonds financed through the highway fund. For this to be passed it would require a two-thirds vote from lawmakers plus voter approval statewide. "The increase would apply only to Proposition 14 bonds, which are paid off by the highway fund. The Texas Department of Transportation has authority to issue $6 billion in such bonds; it has issued $4.6 billion." I don't know about everybody’s car, but I do know that my car drinks up gas like a drunk at last call and "a few extra cents" does make a difference.